The Launchpad | SalesBoost

What’s on the Menu?

Written by Gretta Brooks | November 15, 2017

'Tis The Season! Yes, the Holiday Season. A time to gather with colleagues, customers, friends, and family to give thanks and celebrate. Creating memorable experiences is what the hospitality industry is all about; and in many cases, our taste buds are the judge! Whether you are entertaining at your home, throwing a party at a local venue or your hotel is hosting a holiday event for a large group of people, it's important to be thoughtful and creative; particularly with your menu.

It is especially important for hotel sales and service professionals to offer unique menu and event theme ideas to keep customers happy and returning year after year. Here are a couple of creative menu ideas to make your holiday party a success and the ultimate memorable experience:


Holidays around the World!  Sounds fun right?  There are many things you can do with this theme that will be sure to please everyone that attends the party. 


Idea #1:  First up, head to the shores of the Mediterranean and serve some Greek Dolmades.  You could pair this with a nice Zinfandel or Sauvignon Blanc.


Idea #2:  Next stop,Germany!  Pot Roast is one of Germany’s best-know dishes.  Not only is it a comfort food; it's also perfect for the season, and one of Deutchland's best-know dishes.  Yum!  Many good red wines are available that will work with pot roast. Among the most widely available are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Noir and Zinfandel.


Idea #3:  Your attendees will be lords-a-leaping for joy when they get a taste of this Bûche de Noël recipe. What a way to round out your world menu tour with this French dessert.  Enjoy a Reisling, Chardonnay or a Malbec with this devine decadent dessert. 


Know your audience.  The key is to be unique, personalized and unexpected.  Aim to serve food that is full of flavor combined with beverages that will compliment your dish.  Branch out and have fun! 


Check out the links below for more creative ideas to make those Holiday Parties memorable and will keep your clients coming back year after year.  Not to mention all of those referrals!!!

