Gretta is a proven leader in the hospitality industry with 30+ years’ experience running three global sales organizations, leading award-winning hotel sales teams and earning numerous sales and service awards. In 2015, she founded SalesBoost, an online training solution that is revolutionizing learning and professional development. Based on The Science of Learning, SalesBoost improves the human capital of an organization using innovative technology and active learning principles. SalesBoost makes learning interactive and provides a practice environment allowing individuals to build muscle memory, which in turn, forms new skills. And, skills are the new global currency.
Gretta Brooks

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Topics: Sales, Networking, Practice, relationship building, time, Positive Environment, Progress
Top 10 Tips to Manage Stress Successfully
Zap Stress and Be Your Best Self
Let’s get one thing straight, stress does not control you. We all have let it affect us one way or another and often times there is a struggle to find that work/life balance. Once stress has the upper hand, every day can be an uphill battle. We lose sleep, we can’t focus or find time for interests outside of the workplace, our relationships slip, and even our immune systems can start to weaken.
I get it! Our lives are hectic and it’s hard to find that balance. Having a plan to deal with stress ahead of time helps manage how I react to stressors. I do my best to model the behaviors that I expect my team to exhibit. My go-to formula when managing stress is simple:
Topics: Productivity, Sales, relationship building, business, Positive Environment, job retention, human resources
Imagine starting at a job where you quickly realize that there is no clear on-boarding or training plan and you must "figure it out" on your own. Or, you want to further develop and grow your career; however, there's no clear career path nor opportunity for growth. Sound familiar?
For those in the Hospitality Industry, and especially human resources, this is a reality they handle on a daily basis. The hospitality industry must appeal to top talent through training, leadership, and modern tools in order to grapple with a staggering 73.8% employee turnover rate. There exists a gap between what organizations and recruiters are seeking, and what prospects seek and expect from employers that contribute to high turnover. Human Resources professionals must achieve a careful balance of finding and attracting the right candidate with structure and leadership in order to mitigate turnover costs.
Topics: Productivity, Sales, relationship building, business, Positive Environment, job retention, human resources
The Five P's of Optimizing your performance in Hospitality.
Perfection is not one of them
Sales Management Mastery: The Michael Scott Story
What "The Office" can teach us about being the best sales manager
What can we say about Michael Scott that hasn't already been said? Most anyone who has enjoyed The Office likely has a healthy love/hate relationship with the often quirky Regional Manager. But anyone who knows the intricacies of sales management might recognize the method to Michael's madness.
Soldier, Firefighter, Pilot, and Event Planner?
Event planner is the fifth most stressful job on the planet
Topics: Focus, Teamwork, hospitality, optimization, time
5 tips to get your clients to the finish line through the summer. You should begin these steps NOW before the summer is a wash.
Topics: Sales, Clients, Practice, time, workplace
You Better Recognize!
Why recognition makes the workplace a happier place
It would be safe to guess that the number one reason people leave their job is lack of compensation. But your guess would be wrong.
Topics: Teamwork, Positive Environment, Progress, Recognition
The Smallest Investment with the Highest Returns
A simple investment now, can yield big time results later.
“The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency"
All too often as professionals in the working world, we sit back and wait on our employers to put opportunities in front of us, grow our education, create happiness, or just wait to be directed. While it is important for your employer to care about you and help in these areas, you should also be putting forth effort to better yourself. In fact, it should be you driving your growth and development. We can blame complacency in the work place on our employers, but if you're not willing to invest in you - why should anyone else? Here's seven simple ways you can (and should) invest in Y.O.U.:
Topics: Sales, Networking, Goal Centric Plan, relationship building, business
You only have thirty seconds
And you probably don't even have that long
It's been called your 30-second commercial or your "elevator pitch." Why? The idea is if you are in an elevator with someone and they ask what you do, you have 30 seconds or less to give an answer before the door opens. The same idea applies when you are presenting what you do or who you work for to a client.
Topics: Sales, Networking