As we all come together to watch the 2024 Olympics, we marvel at the incredible athletes and their heroism. Their dedication, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence inspire us all. Watching these athletes perform at their peak is a testament to dedication and continuous development. But what we see on the world stage is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind every medal and record, countless hours of training, learning, and growth exist, even in the offseason.
Embracing the Spirit of Continuous Improvement: Lessons from the Olympics
Topics: Practice, Train like a Champion, Win, Progress, Innovative, Skill Development
5 Ways Sales Training Boosts Productivity and Improves Communication Skills
Why Sales Training Is Important for Your Business
Many people have the wrong idea about sales training. They think that they're only for salespeople. In reality, they are important for every member of a business. Having an "Everyone Sells" culture and mindset will be the key differentiator for you and for your business.
Topics: Sales, Clients, Practice, Progress, Innovation, Sales Training, Sales Tips
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Topics: Focus, Productivity, Clients, Practice, Goal Centric Plan, Win, optimization, time, Positive Environment, Progress, Innovation, Sales Tips, SalesBoost, wellness
Performance Driven Prospecting Tips
Innovative tips to achieve the greatest possible results
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Topics: Productivity, Sales, Clients, Practice, meetings, follow-up, scheduled calls, business, optimization, workplace, Progress, job retention, Sales Tips, SalesBoost, Innovative, Prospecting
Gretta is a proven leader in the hospitality industry with 30+ years’ experience running three global sales organizations, leading award-winning hotel sales teams and earning numerous sales and service awards. In 2015, she founded SalesBoost, an online training solution that is revolutionizing learning and professional development. Based on The Science of Learning, SalesBoost improves the human capital of an organization using innovative technology and active learning principles. SalesBoost makes learning interactive and provides a practice environment allowing individuals to build muscle memory, which in turn, forms new skills. And, skills are the new global currency.
Topics: Sales, Networking, Practice, relationship building, time, Positive Environment, Progress
5 tips to get your clients to the finish line through the summer. You should begin these steps NOW before the summer is a wash.
Topics: Sales, Clients, Practice, time, workplace
Practice Makes Perfect, and It Makes Sales
Why you should learn to love role playing
All sales people hate the following words: "Let's do some role playing." But we all know it is a key component to improving our sales skills.
Why is it so important to act out our sales calls in advance?