Have you ever been in a situation when it starts to go in a different direction (the wrong direction), and you suddenly see the scene playing out in slow motion? And the worst part; you see mistakes or errors that you could have prevented? Yes, it’s feeling like you’re watching a terrible movie scene play out before your eyes and all the while you’re screaming, “Nooooooooooooo!” in slow motion too?
Well, if you haven’t had that sensation in real-time, then you’ve probably had a similar feeling post-situation. When you’re playing it back in your mind and wondering, “Where did I go wrong?” “What could I have done differently or better?”
This is what is known as The Moment of Truth. And the best of the best, award-winning, most successful sales professionals are the experts at Controlling The Moments of Truth. How? The secret to their success is planning and preparation. These top performers are masters at anticipating situations, and they put in the time and effort practicing how to communicate effectively and position solutions in all possible scenarios.
Below are the 6 Ways to Control the Moments of Truth, proven by the industry's top performers.
The moment of truth: an occasion when something important happens that tests someone or something and will affect the future. These moments can include an event, a reaction, or a statement that directly reflects the truth of a person, an organization, a level of training, etc. It is an instinct or response that gives a TRUE reflection of the moment.
These critical moments of truth can be a client’s deciding factor to walk away from a sale or a customer’s reason for leaving your establishment.
Buyers develop their first impression within seconds of interacting with your website, meeting you, talking on the phone, or reading their first email from you. And you must make it count! You only get one chance to make a first impression. Click here to read our blog Every Moment Matters, to learn more about first impressions.
Most importantly, you must know that the first moment that the truth is revealed will always remain the first and lasting impression a client (existing or prospect) has about you.
There are six moments of truth in every interaction, and learning to control these stages can become the deciding factor that determines if a client buys from you instead of walking away.
Stage 1: Less than Zero
When something happens to prompt the buyer to start looking for your product, whether it is a meeting planner that has just been handed marching orders to plan a meeting or there is a date when you know they will begin searching for their annual meeting location. The Less than Zero stage is on deck.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
Stage 2: Zero Moment of Truth
This next stage is when the buyer is researching your product. In this stage, your buyer is sending out RFPs, reviewing your website, checking out reviews, and deciding if you will be getting an RFP or not.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
Stage 3: The First Moment of Truth
The First Moment of Truth is the stage where you initially interact with your client directly. Your buyer is looking at your product by way of reviewing your proposal or attending a site visit. They are getting their first impression of not only your property but of YOU as a seller.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
Stage 4: The Second Moment of Truth
Congratulations! Your client has actually purchased your product. Take a moment to pop that champagne, and then let’s dive into this fourth stage. The contracting process is critical, and your work is most definitely not done. Technically, your client can still walk away at this point if we are controlling our truths here.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
Stage 5: Actual Moment of Truth or Moment of Truth Gap
The period of time between signing the contract and the execution of the event. In this stage, your entire team should reaffirm the client’s decision and continue to build trust in you and your hotel. You must continue to provide value.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
Stage 6: The Third Moment of Truth
When a customer is providing feedback on your product or sharing with their network – This can also be referred to as the “Word-of-Mouth” stage. Although some people may forget or minimize this stage, it is actually critically important. The impression that your client has at this stage not only effects repeat business from them but potentially business from their entire network.
Things you can do to control the moments of truth in this stage:
We encourage you to take these six stages and apply them to your selling strategy. Then, understand where you have an opportunity for development at each stage to continue to Control The Moments of Truth.
Never let another client (existing or prospect) fall through the cracks due to errors you could have prevented. Use these 6 Ways to Control the Moments of Truth to anticipate, plan and practice like the best of the best.
Stages of Moments of Truth:
Adapted from Step Hyken, Forbes.com