In an age abundant of social media love, side hustle glorification, and demanding 9-5’s where do you find your piece of happiness? When can you flip your switch for a mindful reset?
Wellness Wednesday is the midweek opportunity to take a moment for yourself. With an ever-expanding calendar and numerous to-dos’, one has to complete in a day. Take the chance in the middle of the week to reset and re-align with your goals. Here are five tips on how to fit “YOU” within your day.
Change of Scenery
According to Psychology Today, taking a break during your workday has a direct impact on boosting your productivity. Regardless of where you are working, a change of scenery and taking a brain break are all you need. The saying is true, “Movement is medicine”. Taking a few “movement breaks” in between work will grant you the change of scenery needed and can significantly help you improve focus and creativity.
So! Get outside and take a walk (Walk Wednesdays anyone?!) or schedule lunch with a friend or work from a different coffee shop on Wednesdays. Regardless of where you are, change your scenery on Wednesdays to refresh your mind and spirit!
Eating Healthy
Now, this can be a challenge; especially when you're juggling work, life, family, activities, and the list goes on. No matter your age, eating healthy is important; it boosts immunity, strengthens bones, reduces the risk of illness, improves memory, and of course, your mood. And no matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, one thing money cannot buy is health. Fitting in healthy meals on the go is a skill that your body will thank you for. See Roswell Park Center’s Five Tips for Healthy Eating on the Go.
Managing Stress
Stress. It comes in various forms to all of us every day. Make sure to use Wednesday to reflect weekly, monthly, quarterly, then year over year. Is your life dealing with your stress or piling it on? What small changes can be done to elevate it one step at a time. Always remember to just breathe and review our Top 10 Tips to Manage Stress Successfully.
No matter where you’re located squeeze in at least 15 minutes of physical movement for yourself. Whether doing stuff around the house, going for a walk, or even brief yoga stretching. Exercise releases endorphins which reduce bodily pain and leave a positive feeling that may last throughout the day. Review our Stress Mini-Blog: Physically Focused for more tips.
Go Out
Don’t be afraid to have fun. Embrace the playful moments in life to reset and relax. Go have a casual dinner with friends or maybe a relaxed breakfast with your family. Managing stress and embracing Wellness Wednesday is all about resetting and reconnecting with your weekly intention.
Society expects a lot out of us, and sometimes just being a bystander of it can feel like you have no power over stress. Taking care of you is taking care of your power!
And as a special final tip to Fit YOU into Wellness
Tap into SalesBoost and take their Maximizing Time or Managing Stress courses! These are just a couple of hundreds of courses that will fulfill not only your personal wellness but your professional wellness too!