Gretta Brooks
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Topics: Win, tech ovation, awards
What’s on the Menu?
Ideas for creative Holiday menus that are sure to be a crowd pleaser
'Tis The Season! Yes, the Holiday Season. A time to gather with colleagues, customers, friends, and family to give thanks and celebrate. Creating memorable experiences is what the hospitality industry is all about; and in many cases, our taste buds are the judge! Whether you are entertaining at your home, throwing a party at a local venue or your hotel is hosting a holiday event for a large group of people, it's important to be thoughtful and creative; particularly with your menu.
It is especially important for hotel sales and service professionals to offer unique menu and event theme ideas to keep customers happy and returning year after year. Here are a couple of creative menu ideas to make your holiday party a success and the ultimate memorable experience:
Topics: holiday planning, holiday menu, hospitality
"Be patient and practice. Alot of work went into this one moment." - Shalane Flanagan
"My coaches told me that it was possible. The training that I put into it was the best I ever had..." - Shalane Flanagan
Shalane Flanagan achieved an amazing, history-making, record-breaking accomplishment by being the first American woman to win the NYC Marathon since 1977 with an unofficial time of 2:26:53. She did so because she had a Goal-Centric Plan. Meaning, she knew exactly what her goal was and she put the appropriate training and practice against it.
Topics: Productivity, SMART Plan, Goal Centric Plan, Train like a Champion, Shalane Flanagan, Win
It’s All About The Follow-Up
7 ways to follow through on following up
Studies show it takes on average eight touches to convert a lead into a sale. And most sales associates stop after just two. The initial touch point being a cold call, website lead, or a face-to-face meeting; and the second touch point being a one-time follow-up.
Topics: Sales, meetings, follow-up, scheduled calls
A Blast From The Past
How handwritten notes translate into sales
When was the last time you received an actual handwritten thank you note from a friend or vendor? In today's technological world, the easiest thing to do is send a quick email or text. But taking the time to write a thank you note by hand gets you much further in the game.
Topics: Sales, Networking, relationship building, business
Who Are You Competing With?
Why you should get to know your competition
Do you know who your real competitors are? You may think they are the hotels down the street, but are you really comparing apples to apples?
It is important to know exactly who your competitors are and to keep up with them at all turns. This will save time and effort later on during the sales process.
There are a couple different types of competitors you need to be aware of.
Topics: Sales
Discover The Value of Social Currency
How to make social media work for you
Let's face it. Social media is the new normal, and it's not going away any time soon. So, embrace it, and use it to your advantage.
Through daily active engagement and social listening, you can gather relevant customer data and use that information to make smarter business decisions.
Topics: Sales, Social Media, Social Selling
We Challenge You To A Booking Blitz
How to make blitzing fun and productive
Sales blitzes. We all know what a sales blitz is - fanning out after sales leads, making as many calls as possible in a limited area within a short span of time.
Blitzes are a useful tool in your sales kit. They are a great way to get yourself in front of the client in a fun and non-threatening way.
Topics: Sales
Increase Your Face Value
How to be confident and successful at face-to-face sales
There’s nothing more powerful than a face-to-face meeting when you are trying to win over a customer. It's your opportunity to shine and show the customer what you are all about and what you have to offer.
A lot of salespeople take the path of least resistance.
Topics: Sales
Practice Makes Perfect, and It Makes Sales
Why you should learn to love role playing
All sales people hate the following words: "Let's do some role playing." But we all know it is a key component to improving our sales skills.
Why is it so important to act out our sales calls in advance?