The Launchpad

You only have thirty seconds

And you probably don't even have that long

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 22, 2018
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It's been called your 30-second commercial or your "elevator pitch." Why? The idea is if you are in an elevator with someone and they ask what you do, you have 30 seconds or less to give an answer before the door opens. The same idea applies when you are presenting what you do or who you work for to a client.

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Topics: Sales, Networking

Network like you mean it.

Making the most of networking events

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 17, 2018
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Most people are uncomfortable walking into a room full of strangers, but when it comes to industry events, it's a necessary skill set. Still, it does not have to be torture chamber of forced smiles and small talk. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the events you attend:

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Topics: Sales, Networking

Network > Networking

There's a difference.

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 15, 2018
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Topics: Sales

"I like you" does not mean they'll buy from you.

People Buy from People they...

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 10, 2018
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A classic line we've all heard is that people buy from people they like – that sounds right. People certainly want to work with people they like. But working with someone and buying something is not the same. 

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Topics: Sales

Handwritten Notes

How handwritten notes translate into sales

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 09, 2018
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When was the last time you received handwritten thank you note from a friend or vendor?

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Topics: Sales

Performance Review from BOTH perspectives.

Four and a Half Tips from either side of the desk.

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 03, 2018
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What is the best way to prepare a performance review?

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Hope is not a plan.

Top 3 ways to achieve your goals.

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 02, 2018
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Topics: Productivity, SMART Plan, Goal Centric Plan, Train like a Champion, Shalane Flanagan, Win

Rapport wasn't built in a day.

Actually, it can be.

Posted by Gretta Brooks on May 01, 2018
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Rapport is a state of harmonious understanding with another individual or group that enables greater and easier communication. Sometimes rapport happens naturally; you “hit it off” with somebody without having to try. This is often how friendships are built. However, rapport can also be built and developed by finding common ground, developing a bond, and being empathic.

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Topics: Sales, Clients

Can you hack it?

Here's some critical productivity hacks.

Posted by Gretta Brooks on April 27, 2018
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So many times, we allow our day to get away from us. We start our day fresh and energized and at the end of the day wonder what we accomplished.

There are ways to keep yourself on track. These productivity tips will help keep you in control of your day and accomplish what you want and need to do.

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Topics: Productivity

It takes one to appreciate one.

Happy Admin Day!

Posted by Leslie Dunn on April 25, 2018
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 I have served as an administrative assistant. Often time I felt overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities. However, to keep me going, all it took was a little encouragement from my boss and coworkers acknowledging that they saw the work I was doing and appreciated my commitment. This simple action fueled me and gave me the motivation to keep doing my best every day.

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Topics: Teamwork, relationship building